Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) はMEDLINE/PubMedの医学生物学情報を整理分類し検索するためアメリカ国立医学図書館により作成された階層的なシソーラス(用語集)です。MeSHは系統樹の構造をしていて 「タンパク質」のような大きな概念から「膜タンパク質」、更に「細胞膜受容体」「カドヘリン」等へと枝分かれしながら細分化していきます。思いつくキーワードを闇雲に試すのでなく関心テーマの本質を適切なMeSH用語で表現することにより、効率的な文献検索が可能になります。具体的なMeSH活用法は他所に譲るとして、PubMed検索窓に carcinoma, small cell[MeSH Terms]
MeSH用語の中には複数の枝に登場するものがあります。例えば神経ペプチド受容体は神経伝達物質受容体とペプチド受容体の下位語として登録されています。神経ペプチドが神経伝達物質とペプチドという2つの概念を掛け合わせたものなので妥当な取り扱いと言えます。しかし、分類が破綻する例もあります。プリン作動性のP2Y受容体はGタンパク質共役型受容体 (GPCR) の1群です。同時に、P2X受容体と呼ばれるプリン作動性のイオンチャンネルも存在します。これらは共通する性質からプリン作動性受容体という上位語にまとめられています。それはいいとして、プリン作動性受容体の上位語は、なんとGPCRなのです。GPCRでMeSH検索した結果には必然的にイオンチャンネルが混入しているのです。MeSHにはこうした落とし穴も存在します。
MeSH系統樹の複雑さも使いにくさの元になっています。GPCR関連用語の場合、最上位のGPCRから個別のタンパク質までの最大5つの階層があります。更に、階層の深さが概念の細かさを反映していません。PAR-2受容体とβ1アドレナリン受容体はどちらも個別のタンパク質でありながら、前者はGPCRの直下に、後者は5階層下に存在します。また、樹上構造末端の用語(下位語を持たない語)がGPCRのグループだったり受容体のサブタイプだったりして統一感がありません。この複雑さと一貫性のなさは、GPCR—受容体ファミリー—個別受容体という3層構造からなる、お馴染みで単純明快なGuide to Pharmacologyの分類と大きく異なります。
そこで、GPCR関連のMeSH用語系統樹を把握し効率的に文献検索を行えるよう、MeSHシソーラスにGuide to Pharmacologyの分類を併記した表を作成しました(下)。インデントは分類の階層を示します。同一あるいは最も近い概念の用語が同じ行の左右に並ぶよう配置してあります。Guide to Pharmacologyの一貫性ある分類と照らし合わせることでより的確なMeSH用語を選択することができます。先述の通りMeSH分類にはGPCRでない要素が混入していますし、MeSHとG2Pで分類が異なる分子もあります。こうしたMeSHの特徴を理解することで、より効率的な検索が可能になるでしょう。
表. GPCR関連MeSH系統樹とGuide to Pharmacology分類の対比
MeSH Tree | Guide to Pharmacology. Family & Receptor Names | Comment | ||||||
Receptors, G-Protein-Coupled | G protein-coupled receptors | |||||||
Apelin Receptors | Apelin receptor | |||||||
Calcitonin receptors | ||||||||
Calcitonin Receptor-Like Protein | calcitonin receptor-like receptor | |||||||
Frizzled Receptors | Class Frizzled GPCRs | |||||||
Smoothened Receptor | SMO | |||||||
Glucagon-Like Peptide Receptors | Glucagon receptor family | |||||||
Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor | GLP-1 receptor | |||||||
Glucagon-Like Peptide-2 Receptor | GLP-2 receptor | |||||||
Orexin Receptors | Orexin receptors | |||||||
Complement peptide receptors | ||||||||
Receptor, Anaphylatoxin C5a | C5a1 receptor; C5a2 receptor | |||||||
Proteinase-activated receptors | ||||||||
Receptor, PAR-2 | PAR2 | |||||||
Calcitonin receptors | ||||||||
Receptors, Adrenomedullin | AM1 receptor; AM2 receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Angiotensin | Angiotensin receptors | |||||||
Receptor, Angiotensin, Type 1 | AT1 receptor | |||||||
Receptor, Angiotensin, Type 2 | AT2 receptor | |||||||
Class A Orphans | ||||||||
Proto-Oncogene Mas | MAS1 | |||||||
Receptors, Bombesin | Bombesin receptors | |||||||
Receptors, Bradykinin | Bradykinin receptors | |||||||
Receptor, Bradykinin B1 | B1 receptor | |||||||
Receptor, Bradykinin B2 | B2 receptor | |||||||
Calcitonin receptors | ||||||||
Receptors, Calcitonin | CT receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide | CGRP receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Calcium-Sensing | Calcium-sensing receptor | |||||||
CaS receptor | ||||||||
Receptors, Cannabinoid | Cannabinoid receptors | |||||||
Receptor, Cannabinoid, CB1 | CB1 receptor | |||||||
Receptor, Cannabinoid, CB2 | CB2 receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Catecholamine | ||||||||
Receptors, Adrenergic | Adrenoceptors | |||||||
Receptors, Adrenergic, alpha | ||||||||
Receptors, Adrenergic, alpha-1 | α 1A-adrenoceptor; α 1B-adrenoceptor; α 1D-adrenoceptor | |||||||
Receptors, Adrenergic, alpha-2 | α 2A-adrenoceptor; α 2B-adrenoceptor; α 2C-adrenoceptor | |||||||
Receptors, Adrenergic, beta | ||||||||
Receptors, Adrenergic, beta-1 | β 1-adrenoceptor | |||||||
Receptors, Adrenergic, beta-2 | β 2-adrenoceptor | |||||||
Receptors, Adrenergic, beta-3 | β 3-adrenoceptor | |||||||
Receptors, Dopamine | Dopamine receptors | |||||||
Receptors, Dopamine D1 | D1 receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Dopamine D5 | D5 receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Dopamine D2 | D2 receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Dopamine D3 | D3 receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Dopamine D4 | D4 receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Chemokine | Chemokine receptors | |||||||
Receptors, CCR | ||||||||
Receptors, CCR1 | CCR1 | |||||||
Receptors, CCR10 | CCR10 | |||||||
Receptors, CCR2 | CCR2 | |||||||
Receptors, CCR3 | CCR3 | |||||||
Receptors, CCR4 | CCR4 | |||||||
Receptors, CCR5 | CCR5 | |||||||
Receptors, CCR6 | CCR6 | |||||||
Receptors, CCR7 | CCR7 | |||||||
Receptors, CCR8 | CCR8 | |||||||
Receptors, CXCR | ||||||||
CX3C Chemokine Receptor 1 | CX3CR1 | |||||||
Receptors, CXCR3 | CXCR3 | |||||||
Receptors, CXCR4 | CXCR4 | |||||||
Receptors, CXCR5 | CXCR5 | |||||||
Receptors, CXCR6 | CXCR6 | |||||||
Receptors, Interleukin-8 | ||||||||
Receptors, Interleukin-8A | CXCR1 | |||||||
Receptors, Interleukin-8B | CXCR2 | |||||||
Receptors, Cholecystokinin | Cholecystokinin receptors | |||||||
Receptor, Cholecystokinin A | CCK1 receptor | |||||||
Receptor, Cholecystokinin B | CCK2 receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone | Corticotropin-releasing factor receptors | |||||||
Receptors, Eicosanoid | ||||||||
Receptors, Leukotriene | Leukotriene receptors | |||||||
Receptors, Leukotriene B4 | BLT1 receptor | |||||||
Formylpeptide receptors | ||||||||
Receptors, Lipoxin | FPR2/ALX | |||||||
Receptors, Prostaglandin | ||||||||
Prostanoid receptors | ||||||||
Receptors, Epoprostenol | IP receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Prostaglandin E | ||||||||
Receptors, Prostaglandin E, EP1 Subtype | EP1 receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Prostaglandin E, EP2 Subtype | EP2 receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Prostaglandin E, EP3 Subtype | EP3 receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Prostaglandin E, EP4 Subtype | EP4 receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Thromboxane A2, Prostaglandin H2 | TP receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Thromboxane | ||||||||
Receptors, Thromboxane A2, Prostaglandin H2 | TP receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Endothelin | Endothelin receptors | |||||||
Receptor, Endothelin A | ETA receptor | |||||||
Receptor, Endothelin B | ETB receptor | |||||||
Receptor, Endothelin B | ETB receptor | |||||||
Receptor, Endothelin B | ETB receptor | |||||||
Receptor, Endothelin B | ETB receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Formyl Peptide | Formylpeptide receptors | |||||||
Glycoprotein hormone receptors | ||||||||
Receptors, FSH | FSH receptor | |||||||
Receptors, GABA-B | GABAB receptors | |||||||
Receptors, Galanin | Galanin receptors | |||||||
Receptor, Galanin, Type 1 | GAL1 receptor | |||||||
Receptor, Galanin, Type 2 | GAL2 receptor | |||||||
Receptor, Galanin, Type 3 | GAL3 receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Ghrelin | Ghrelin receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Glucagon | Glucagon receptor family | |||||||
Histamine receptors | ||||||||
Receptors, Histamine H1 | H1 receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Histamine H2 | H2 receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Histamine H4 | H4 receptor | |||||||
Calcitonin receptors | ||||||||
Receptors, Islet Amyloid Polypeptide | AMY1 receptor; AMY2 receptor; AMY3 receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Kisspeptin-1 | Kisspeptin receptor | |||||||
Glycoprotein hormone receptors | ||||||||
Receptors, LH | LH receptor | |||||||
Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone receptors | ||||||||
Receptors, LHRH | GnRH1 receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Lysophospholipid | ||||||||
Receptors, Lysophosphatidic Acid | Lysophospholipid (LPA) receptors | |||||||
Receptors, Lysosphingolipid | ||||||||
Sphingosine-1-Phosphate Receptors | Lysophospholipid (S1P) receptors | |||||||
Sphingosine Phosphorylcholine Receptors | Lysophospholipid (S1P) receptors | |||||||
Receptors, Melanocortin | Melanocortin receptors | |||||||
Receptor, Melanocortin, Type 1 | MC1 receptor | |||||||
Receptor, Melanocortin, Type 2 | MC2 receptor | |||||||
Receptor, Melanocortin, Type 3 | MC3 receptor | |||||||
Receptor, Melanocortin, Type 4 | MC4 receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Melatonin | Melatonin receptors | |||||||
Receptor, Melatonin, MT1 | MT1 receptor | |||||||
Receptor, Melatonin, MT2 | MT2 receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Metabotropic Glutamate | Metabotropic glutamate receptors | |||||||
Receptor, Metabotropic Glutamate 5 | mGlu5 recepto | |||||||
Receptors, Muscarinic | Acetylcholine receptors (muscarinic) | |||||||
Receptor, Muscarinic M1 | M1 receptor | |||||||
Receptor, Muscarinic M2 | M2 receptor | |||||||
Receptor, Muscarinic M3 | M3 receptor | |||||||
Receptor, Muscarinic M4 | M4 receptor | |||||||
Receptor, Muscarinic M5 | M5 receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Neuropeptide Y | Neuropeptide Y receptors | |||||||
Receptors, Neurotensin | Neurotensin receptors | |||||||
Receptors, Odorant | ||||||||
Receptors, Opioid | Opioid receptors | |||||||
Receptors, Opioid, delta | δ receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Opioid, kappa | κ receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Opioid, mu | μ receptor | |||||||
Other protein targets | not GPCRs | |||||||
Receptors, sigma | Sigma receptors | not GPCRs | ||||||
G protein-coupled receptors | ||||||||
Vasopressin and oxytocin receptors | ||||||||
Receptors, Oxytocin | OT receptor | |||||||
Parathyroid hormone receptors | ||||||||
Receptors, Parathyroid Hormone | ||||||||
Receptor, Parathyroid Hormone, Type 1 | PTH1 receptor | |||||||
Receptor, Parathyroid Hormone, Type 2 | PTH2 receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Pheromone | Trace amine receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Mating Factor | fungal | |||||||
Receptors, Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase-Activating Polypeptide | ||||||||
VIP and PACAP receptors | ||||||||
Receptors, Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase-Activating Polypeptide, Type I | PAC1 receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide | ||||||||
Receptors, Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide, Type II | VPAC2 receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide, Type I | VPAC1 receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Purinergic | ||||||||
Receptors, Cyclic AMP | bacterial | |||||||
Adenosine receptors | ||||||||
Receptors, Purinergic P1 | ||||||||
Receptor, Adenosine A1 | A1 receptor | |||||||
Receptor, Adenosine A3 | A3 receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Adenosine A2 | ||||||||
Receptor, Adenosine A2A | A2A receptor | |||||||
Receptor, Adenosine A2B | A2B receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Purinergic P2 | ||||||||
Ligand-gated ion channels | not GPCRs | |||||||
Receptors, Purinergic P2X | P2X receptors | not GPCRs | ||||||
Receptors, Purinergic P2X1 | P2X1 | not a GPCR | ||||||
Receptors, Purinergic P2X2 | P2X2 | not a GPCR | ||||||
Receptors, Purinergic P2X3 | P2X3 | not a GPCR | ||||||
Receptors, Purinergic P2X4 | P2X4 | not a GPCR | ||||||
Receptors, Purinergic P2X5 | P2X5 | not a GPCR | ||||||
Receptors, Purinergic P2X7 | P2X7 | not a GPCR | ||||||
G protein-coupled receptors | ||||||||
Receptors, Purinergic P2Y | P2Y receptors | |||||||
Receptors, Purinergic P2Y1 | P2Y1 receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Purinergic P2Y12 | P2Y12 receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Purinergic P2Y2 | P2Y2 receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Serotonin | 5-Hydroxytryptamine receptors | |||||||
Receptors, Serotonin, 5-HT1 | ||||||||
Receptor, Serotonin, 5-HT1A | 5-HT1A receptor | |||||||
Receptor, Serotonin, 5-HT1B | 5-HT1B receptor | |||||||
Receptor, Serotonin, 5-HT1D | 5-HT1D receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Serotonin, 5-HT2 | ||||||||
Receptor, Serotonin, 5-HT2A | 5-HT2A receptor | |||||||
Receptor, Serotonin, 5-HT2B | 5-HT2B receptor | |||||||
Receptor, Serotonin, 5-HT2C | 5-HT2C receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Serotonin, 5-HT4 | 5-HT4 receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Somatostatin | Somatostatin receptors | |||||||
Receptors, Tachykinin | Tachykinin receptors | |||||||
Receptors, Neurokinin-1 | NK1 receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Neurokinin-2 | NK2 receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Neurokinin-3 | NK3 receptor | |||||||
Receptors, Thrombin | Proteinase-activated receptors | |||||||
Receptor, PAR-1 | PAR1 | |||||||
Vasopressin and oxytocin receptors | ||||||||
Receptors, Vasopressin | V1A receptor; V1B receptor; V2 receptor | |||||||
Opsin receptors | ||||||||
Rhodopsin | Rhodopsin | |||||||
Transporters > SLC superfamily of solute carriers > | not GPCRs | |||||||
SLC53 Phosphate carriers | not GPCRs | |||||||
Xenotropic and Polytropic Retrovirus Receptor | xenotropic and polytropic retrovirus receptor 1 | not a GPCR |
MeSH headings and Guide to Pharmacology taxonomy were retrieved in December 2021 from the National Library of Medicine and in November 2021 from G2P, respectively.